• Blogging


    I just got a client inquiry based on a 2008 post, so I looked at the post, and . . . YIKES! I found someone had hacked my blog and inserted advertisements into the post! The advertising links are gone from that post now, and I’ll be changing my a password as soon as I finish with this post, but it looks like I now have to look through my other 800+ blog posts for signs of similar shenanigans. If you run across any odd links anywhere on the blog, please notify me at gregATgregmaylaw.com (replace AT with @) and tell me which post they appear in. (It would be…

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  • Blogroll,  California Procedure,  Discovery


    海康网络摄像机密码忘记了怎么办:2021-7-5 · 摄像头忘记密码怎么办 到官网上下载一个搜索ip工具,把电脑与摄像机(或摄像机所在的交换机上)用网线连在一起,用软件搜索一下,就可众找到所有的ip地址了。 原发布者:忧伤的蚂蚁牙黑 海康4500客户端连接及故障排除方法1、设置录像机或者摄像机DDNS,并输入域名用户名和密码2、打开手 …

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  • Appellate Jurisdiction,  怎么更换外网ip,  Notice of Appeal


    A lawyer has a right to appeal a sanctions award against the lawyer even if that lawyer is not a party to the underlying lawsuit. It is equally undisputed that a timely notice of appeal is a jurisdictional requirement. So what happens when a lawyer who wishes to appeal from an order directing the lawyer to pay monetary sanctions files a notice of appeal listing only the lawyer’s client as the appellant? In K.J. v. Los Angeles Unified School District (Jan. 30, 2024, S241057), ___ P.3d.___, the California Supreme Court holds that such a notice of appeal is adequate to confer appellate jurisdiction where the respondent is not misled regarding the nature of the appeal: [W]hen it is clear from…

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  • 怎么更换外网ip,  Uncategorized

    “Quoth the Judge, ‘Nevermore'”

    If you have ever had the itch to write something like the title of this post into a brief, you might enjoy “What Lawyers Can Learn from Edgar Allan Poe,” one of the latest legal papers available from the Social Science Research Network. Will it really teach you how to write a brief that resembles a horror story? No. But the abstract does suggest it will teach you how to employ the elements relied on by Poe to write successfully. Here’s the abstract: Treat yourself to a spine-tingling Edgar Allan Poe sensation by reading about the synergy between stories of horror and legal writing. Poe defined a short-story writing technique…

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  • Announcements

    I’m back!

    Or, should I say, the blog is back. I’m not sure how much blogging I will do in the near future, but at least the old posts are up again after an extended outage. The fix was really simple, but it took three tech support guys at my hosting provider, over the course of a week, to figure out that simple solution. My apologies to my regular readers. That means Ben and . . . anyone? Anyone?

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  • California Court of Appeal,  California Courts,  e-Filing,  Legal Technology

    TrueFiling comes to the Second District Court of Appeal

    Perhaps the title of this post should be the other way around: The Second District Court of Appeal comes to TrueFiling. Although the The Second District has had e-filing for some document sin place for several years, it appears to be the last appellate court in the state to embrace e-filing of everything via TrueFiling. With the upgrade come some new formatting requirements that were previously only suggestions. Electronically filed documents must now include electronic bookmarks to “to each heading, subheading and component of the document, such as the table of contents, table of authorities, petition, verification, points and authorities, declaration, certificate of word count, certificate of interested entities or persons, and…

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  • California Supreme Court,  e-Filing,  Legal Technology


    ip地址开头255是_zuciwang.com:1999-12-31 · IP地址由四组三位数据和点组成的,每个 San 位数字值必须在0~255之间,也就还0.0.0.0~ Zhi 间,只要IP必须在这个IP段里,但是255.255.255.255 Shi 广播地址一般是不使用的,另外有些地址是 Bu 使用的例如192.168.1.1这样的 Yi 般为路由

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  • 更改ip地址就可众连外网了,  Humor,  Legal Humor,  Legal Technology

    How flexible is that midnight electronic filing deadline in federal court?

    关于黑裙晖路由器端口映射后,外网访问ip识别的问题 - 黑白 ...:2021-1-18 · 这几天组了一台黑裙, 由于家里电信有公网IP, 于是做了DDNS域名解析。然后在自己路由器上做了端口映射。可是问题来了,所有外网访问群晖的话, 群晖识别的外网ip永远是自己路由器的网管地址192.168.1.1,而不是真正的外网真实IP。

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  • Briefing,  怎么更换外网ip

    Should a respondent always move to strike a defective appellant’s opening brief?

    A brief must “[s]tate each point under a separate heading or subheading summarizing the point, and support each point by argument and, if possible, by citation of authority.” (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.204(a)(1)(B).) A party may move to strike the adverse party’s brief if it fails to comply with this or other requirements of rule 8.204. (Rule 8.204(e)(2).) A leading practice guide advocates that a respondent should immediately file a motion to strike an appellant’s opening brief, that is “so defective that it appears likely the appellate court will order it stricken in whole or in part [.]” (Eisenberg, Cal. Prac. Guide: Civil Appeals & Writs (The Rutter Group…

  • e-Filing,  Legal Technology

    The 15-minute filing extension, brought to you by the era of midnight electronic filing deadlines

    When I was in law school, my wife was an assistant to a department head in an environmental consulting firm. Frequently, when I asked her what kind of day she’d had at work, she would respond that the scientists had made her day nuts by working on a project proposal at the last minute, forcing  the support staff to scramble like mad to make the FedEx deadline (usually 5 p.m. for those of us on the west coast). After hearing this a lot, I asked — with great naivete — “Has anyone ever considered getting the project done before the last minute?” Then I got to my Big Law firm, and saw…

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  • 怎么更改手机外网ip,  Appellate Procedure

    Long-derided Clemmer v. Hartford Insurance Co. clarified by Supreme Court: an order denying a motion to vacate under Code of Civil Procedure section 663 is appealable

    In 2007, I wrote about the questionable rule of Clemmer v. Hartford Insurance Co. (1978) 28 Cal.3d 865, which concluded that an order denying a motion to vacate made under Code of Civil Procedure section 663 (a “section 663 motion to vacate”) is not appealable: Probably no Supreme Court opinion has been more ignored by the Courts of Appeal than Clemmer v. Hartford Insurance Co. (1978) 22 Cal.3d 865. In Clemmer, the Supreme Court concluded, without explanation, that an order denying a motion made pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 663 to vacate the judgment and enter a new judgment is not appealable and dismissed the appeal. Because it…

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  • Humor,  Legal Writing


    I wrote last year about In re Christopher B., case no. C077467 (3rd Dist. Sept. 28, 2015), a cautionary tale about a trial court’s “clarification” of its order (read: “void modification for lack of jurisdiction”). Justice Butz’s concurring opinion opened with this sentence: “With apologies to Dolly Parton, here I go again, concurring with myself.” I like it when judges write colloquially, but I think I would have used a different musical reference if I were in Justice Butz’s place: What can I say? I loved the 80s!

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  • Criminal Justice Reform,  Habeas Corpus,  Judges,  Legal Technology

    Appellate judge Alex Kozinski addresses the dangers of unsettled science in the courtroom

    Or, as the headline over Judge Kozinski’s opinion piece in today’s Wall Street Journal calls it, “voodoo science.” And what this justice on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (a federal appellate court) has to say has nothing to do with global warming (at least not directly). Writing on a report to be released by the Obama administration today from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Judge Kozinski calls for lifting, or at lease easing, restrictions imposed by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) on federal court review of state court criminal judgments, because the report finds that many of the scientific methods used to convict…

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  • Legal Technology

    Will appeals lawyers be replaced by computers?

    Technology has been displacing low-wage and less-skilled workers for a long time. Is it time for white collar professionals – including lawyers – to fear they are next? At  The American Interest blog: “Venture capital money keeps flowing to promising new tech companies that are working to automate many of the routine tasks conducted highly-paid 20-somethings at big city corporate law firms.” After noting that professionals may soon feel the squeeze from technology that low-wage workers have long endured, the pot continues, “Big law firms are especially overdue for disruption … The next stage of the information revolution may end up looking more egalitarian than the last” (see the difference with…

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  • Announcements,  California Courts,  e-Filing,  怎么更改手机外网ip

    Second District Court of Appeal to implement TrueFiling e-filing system in late 2016

    换IP后(电脑换了地方),虚拟机无法联网_sinat_31131791 ...:2021-7-21 · 6、在地址中输入一个和win同一网段的一个IP地址,比如我的win的ip是192.168.1.7,我把虚拟机设置成为192.168.1.20, 然后输入和win一样的子网掩码和网关。DNS可众写8.8.8.8。选中“需要IPV4完成这个连接…

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  • Announcements

    The 2015 edition of the California Litigation Review is Out

    win7台式电脑右下角出现感叹号连不上网怎么回事啊?? 我用 ...:√ win7台式电脑右下角出现感叹号连不上网怎么回事啊??_ ⊇ ⊇ ⊇ 如果您是指电脑宽带网络连接图标出现黄色叹号导致无法上网,一般是由于IP地址冲突导致,建议您可打开【网络共享中心】,选择【更改适配器设置】,右键本地连接属性,双击ipv4,选择自动获取ip,然后打开【运行】,输入CMD,在命伖提示符下 ...

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  • California Supreme Court,  Death Penalty


    Death penalty cases can be automatically appealed to the Supreme Court, but a mere civil litigant has to ask the supreme court — convince it, really — to review its case. The odds are terrible; only about 1 in 25 petitions for review succeeds. Those odds may be going up a little after this year. For the 2014-2015 term, death penalty cases made up nearly 18% of the court’s workload (13 death penalty decisions out of 73 majority opinions). What if all those death penalty cases went away? Would the court be able to take on more cases? It’s quite possible, according to an article by Ben Feuer and Ann-Rose Mathieson in he 2015 edition…

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  • California Courts,  California Supreme Court

    Insight into the Supreme Court’s decisions on whether to hear cases

    The Los Angeles Times has a story today on Justice Goodwin Liu, or, more particularly, on how his two recent lengthy dissents from orders denying review give some insight into what the court’s reasoning was. Usually, an order denying review is quite terse and gives no clue as to why the court reached its decision not to grant review. Justice Liu’s recent dissents, according to the article, shed some insight on the decision-making in those cases, but I’m afraid the article doesn’t do very well at explaining how. The passages it cites from the dissents demonstrate why Justice Liu was in favor of granting review by showing what he was thinking, but…

  • Legal Research,  Legal Technology,  Legal Writing

    详解ip地址,内网ip和外网ip有什么不同 - 路由器之家:2021-10-4 · 我伔做弱电的,与ip地址接触最多,无论是弱电的哪方面,都需要跟ip地址打交道,通常我伔也会经常听到公网、内网?那什么是公网ip地址呢?什么是私网ip地址呢?为什么我伔常见到的ip地址众192.168开头呢?我伔今天来了解下。 内、外网是相对于防火墙而言的,

    The answer to both questions in the title of this post is “no,” judging from this abstract of a paper by Michael Whiteman, Associate Dean for law Library Services & Information Technology at Northern Kentucky University – Salmon P. Chase College of Law, titled Appellate Jurisdiction in the Internet Age: A close examination of the citation practices of the United States Supreme Court and the California Supreme Court from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries reveals that appellate jurisprudence in the Internet age closely resembles that of the pre-Internet age. These findings, coupled with the continued criticism of legal researchers in the Internet age, call for a retrenchment in training future lawyers in…

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  • Appellate Procedure,  Relief from Default

    The patience of the Court of Appeal has its limits

    I wrote the other day about one aspect of Younessi v. Woolf, case no. G051034 (4th Dis. Feb. 16, 2016) (its illustration of the rule that a court of appeal may affirm on an alternate ground supported by the record), but there is a second lesson to glean from the case, regarding the limits of the appellate courts’ patience with counsel’s untimely submissions. In general, deadlines for appellate briefs are easily extended. One usually sees the limits of an appellate court’s patience in an order granting an extension, with the admonition NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS. Even that may not be the end of the court’s patience. If you miss that deadline, there’s always California Rules…

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  • California Procedure,  Default,  Presumptions on Appeal

    Affirming on appeal on an alternate ground – the rule as applied to section 473(b) motions for relief

    Sometimes, the trial judge’s reasoning underlying a judgment is so obviously wrong that it seems to present a “slam dunk” appeal. But the rules of appellate review favor the judgment below, and that slam dunk (really, there is no such thing on appeal) can turn out to be a miss. The appellants in Younessi v. Woolf, case no. G051034 (4th Dis. Feb. 16, 2016) learned this the hard way.  The appellants were defendants who successfully moved for an entry of dismissal after the plaintiff failed to file an amended complaint following an order sustaining demurrers with leave to amend. The plaintiff filed a motion under Code of Civil Procedure section 473(b) to set aside the…

  • Legal Writing,  怎么更改手机外网ip

    免费ftp服务器FileZilla Server配置_ftp_教程吧:2021-2-16 · 下载安装完成后,必须启动软件进行设置,由于此软件是英文,本来就是一款陌生的软件,再加上英文,配置难度可想而知,小编从网上找到一篇非常详细的教程进行整理了一番,确保读到这篇教程的同学都能够进行免费ftp服务器FileZilla Server配置。 运行FileZilla

    Lawyers, and especially appellate lawyers, talk about “precedent” all the time, but do we regularly consider the rationale behind the rules of precedent and stare decisis? Mary Whisner does. Whisner is a reference librarian at the University of Washington College of Law, and sets forth some of her views in a paper called Exploring Precedent, brought to us courtesy of the Legal Writing Institute and the Social Science Research Network. Here’s the abstract: Legal researchers have many powerful tools for finding cases: Full-text searching with different interfaces from different providers, annotated statutes, digests, and a wide variety of secondary sources. But there are areas where even experienced researchers are puzzled: When will…

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  • Criminal Procedure,  Prop 47 Reductions


    Enthusiasts of the “Grand Theft Auto” video game might think that “petty theft auto” sounds rather wimpy, but to a felon car thief seeking a sentence reduction under Proposition 47, “petty theft auto” sounds pretty good after the decision in People v. Ortiz, case no. H042062 (6th Dist., Jan. 8, 2016), Prop 47, adopted by the voters in 2014, reduced certain drug and theft offenses to misdemeanors and allowed those previously sentenced for those crimes as felonies to petition for resentencing if the crime would have been a misdemeanor if Prop 47 had been in effect. In Ortiz, the statute violated by the defendant was Vehicle Code section 10851, subdivision (a), which reads in part: Any person who…

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  • Stare Decisis


    Last week, I wrote about Miranda v. Anderson Enterprises, Inc., case no. A140328 (1st Dist., Oct. 15, 2015), describing how the appellant there benefited from a Supreme Court decision (Iskanian) that came out after the judgment from which the appellant appealed, and which so squarely addressed the issue on appeal that the Court of Appeal spent only a paragraph on its substantive discussion of the case. Given that controlling authority and the rules of stare decisis, under which a California Supreme Court opinion binds all lower courts in the state, what could the respondent — or any similarly situated respondent — do? First, a respondent can look for ways to challenge the appealability of the judgment, as the Miranda respondent…

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  • 怎么更换外网ip,  Record on Appeal

    The lack of a reporter’s transcript can kill your appeal

    Jameson v. Desta, case no. D066793 (4th Dist. Oct. 20, 2015) is a grim reminder of the impact made by the court’s budget crisis, which resulted in the loss of many court-employed court reporters, requiring that parties provide their own court reporters for trial at their expense. The trial in this case went unreported, and that was enough to keep the plaintiff from prevailing on appeal. But before I get to how that came about, let me briefly describe the history of the case, for it makes the result all that much more heartbreaking for the plaintiff. Plaintiff sued a prison doctor for malpractice. The doctor obtained a judgment on procedural grounds, plaintiff appealed,…

  • Briefing,  California Courts,  Legal Research,  Legal Writing

    It is important to keep up with the law while your appeal is pending

    Most lawyers I know — at both the trial level and the appellate level — keep up with the daily “advance sheets,” which provide a brief summary of Supreme Court and Court of Appeal decisions published the day before. It is an important habit, because you never know when a great decision for your pending case is going to come up. For a great example, see Miranda v. Anderson Enterprises, Inc., case no. A140328 (1st Dist., Oct. 15, 2015), where the plaintiff/appellant gained the benefit of a Supreme Court decision that came out while his appeal was pending. The Supreme Court case, Iskanian v. CLS Transp. Los Angeles, LLC (2014) 59 Cal.4th 348, required reversal of the judgment that…

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  • Appellate Jurisdiction,  Appellate Procedure,  Criminal Procedure,  Jurisdiction,  Prop 47 Reductions,  Wende Review

    Third District Court of Appeal creates a “quagmire” regarding Prop 47 sentence reductions

    You don’t have to take my word for it. The court uses the word “quagmire” in yesterday’s decision in People v. Scarbrough, case no. C075414 (3d. Dist. Sept. 29, 2015), in which it holds that a trial court lacks jurisdiction to recall and reduce sentences under Proposition 47 when the judgment for those crimes is on appeal. First, a brief reminder of what the California electorate voted into law last November. Prop 47 reclassifies certain crimes from felonies to misdemeanors and provides that persons convicted of felonies that are now classified as misdemeanors may “petition for a recall of sentence” to request resentencing under the new standards. You can imagine there are quite…

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  • 怎么改变自己的外网ip,  怎么更换外网ip,  Jurisdiction

    局域网-局域网可众登录后台吗?-钉钉帮助中心 - DingTalk:钉钉帮助中心为您提供局域网相关问题的回答,更多局域网问题相关解答可众注册咨询钉钉人工客服。 您好,D2不支持局域网使用,但支持离线刷脸开门,离线后存储1万条开门记录,超过会往前覆盖的,建议及时将D2联网,众免丢失开门记录哦。

    It drives me crazy when an adverse party asks the trial court to “clarify” a recent ruling. Too often, such a request is not a request for clarification at all, but instead an effort to expand the scope of the order or otherwise change its meaning. Funny how these requests for “clarification” are brought up after an attorney realizes he neglected to make an argument, ask for a specific form of relief, or prejudiced his client’s interest by an admission in court. Such was the case in In re Christopher B., case no. C077467 (3rd Dist. Sept. 28, 2015), a “Murphy conservatorship” proceeding. (Welf. &  Inst. Code, §§ 5000, et seq., 5008, subd. (h)(1)(B), 5361;…

  • Appeals,  Briefing,  Strategy

    win7台式电脑右下角出现感叹号连不上网怎么回事啊?? 我用 ...:√ win7台式电脑右下角出现感叹号连不上网怎么回事啊??_ ⊇ ⊇ ⊇ 如果您是指电脑宽带网络连接图标出现黄色叹号导致无法上网,一般是由于IP地址冲突导致,建议您可打开【网络共享中心】,选择【更改适配器设置】,右键本地连接属性,双击ipv4,选择自动获取ip,然后打开【运行】,输入CMD,在命伖提示符下 ...

    We’ve all heard of doctors lamenting the need to order lots of tests for the most mundane symptoms in order to protect themselves from malpractice lawsuits. Are lawyers exhibiting equivalent behavior? Last week, a post at the Lawyerist blog (Want To Destroy Your Case? Throw In The Kitchen Sink.) featured a federal district court decision adopting the recommendations of the magistrate judge to order sanctions all around in a sexual harassment lawsuit — i.e., all of the attorneys on both sides had monetary sanctions imposed against them. On the plaintiff’s side, the attorneys were sanctioned for what Lawyerist called “evidence-free sexual harassment and retaliation allegations.” On the defense side, the attorneys representing the…

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  • Legal Writing

    我已经设置好了办公室的两台电脑共享,可是只能另一台共享 ...:2021-6-15 · 下面就着手解决.但是首先,我伔先来看下网络邻居互相访问的最基本的条件: 1.双方计算机打开,且设置了网络共享资源; 2.双方的计算机添加了 "Microsoft 网络文件和打印共享" 服务; 3.双方都正确设置了网内IP地址,且必须在一个网段中; 4.双方的计算机中都

    【nat 虚拟机linux联网】-博文推荐-CSDN博客:2021-3-18 · csdn已为您找到关于nat 虚拟机linux联网相关内容,包含nat 虚拟机linux联网相关文档伕码介绍、相关教学视频课程,众及相关nat 虚拟机linux联网问答内容。为您解决当下相关问题,如果想了解更详细nat 虚拟机linux联网内容,请点击详情链接进行了解,或者注册账号与客服人员联系给您提供相关内容的 ...

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